Leadership & Managed Services
With flexible long and short-term staffing options, we are by your side for as long as needed with expertise tailored to your unique environment.

The Right Team For Your Technology
Your technology is only as good as the people who power it. They set the strategic direction. They maintain consistent access to information and services. They ensure IT is continually innovating and always there for the students, faculty, staff, and administrators who depend on it for all they do.
That’s why Ferrilli stands ready to deploy IT leaders and support staff who understand higher education and appreciate the diversity of the institutions they serve. With flexible long and short-term staffing options, we are by your side for as long as needed with expertise tailored to your unique environment. And with executive search capabilities rooted in an unrivaled professional network, we can also help identify the right people to permanently lead your team. If you have questions or would like to discuss your leadership and team deployment needs with an expert, contact us today.

Your technology is only as good as the people who power it.
No matter what the assignment, our goal is the same–to deliver more–so you can achieve more. We will not only fulfill your request, we will offer ideas and recommendations to help you reach your institutional goals.
We’re not happy if you’re not happy.
We know that you can’t afford to get anything less than the maximum return on your technology investments. That’s why we are proud to offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee.
Staff Augmentation Services
Ferrilli’s technology management professionals don’t consider themselves part of our team; they strive to be key players on yours. They steep themselves in your operations for the duration of the engagement. And while they possess the expertise necessary to hit the ground running, they always take the time to learn what makes your environment special – because that’s the only way to go above and beyond.
At Ferrilli, our customer-first philosophy isn’t just about knowing your technology; it’s about understanding what your students, faculty, and staff need to get out of it, and delivering on that promise each and every day.

Ferrilli’s IT leaders are part innovator, part strategist, part mentor, and part project manager.
Interim IT Leadership
Today’s campus technology leaders are more than digital professionals. They are industry experts who understand the business of higher education and how IT helps it run as efficiently and effectively as possible. That’s why Ferrilli’s IT leaders are part innovator, part strategist, part mentor, and part project manager – able help drive strategy at cabinet meetings or get in the trenches with their teams during high-impact implementations. Most important, they understand how critical it is to map their skillsets to your institution and its distinct strategic objectives.
Whether you need to stabilize your team in the short term or drive it forward for the long term, we can provide the immediate, seamless leadership you’re looking for. And if you’re seeking to fill a permanent position, our search and placement services can help identify a professional poised for success.
Ferrilli’s Flexpert®
Our staff augmentation services include an option you won’t find anywhere else: Ferrilli’s Flexpert®. This flexible model enables your institution to swap staff resources in and out as priorities shift – providing you with ready access to our full depth of technical and functional expertise. It’s a game-changer that’s designed to accommodate your needs as they evolve in real time – with predictable fees and top priority for in-demand resources.

That’s what our staff augmentation services bring to the table, no matter the option that works best for your institution.
Full-time Equivalent (FTEE)
Half-time Equivalent (HTEE)
Quarter-time Equivalent (QTEE)
Over 1,000 Higher Education Organizations trust Ferrilli
The strength of our team stems from their backgrounds in the very institutions we serve.
Ferrilli understands the dilemma that vacant IT leadership and support positions present to colleges and universities.
We stand behind our work with a money-back satisfaction guarantee.