Slate CRM Services | CRM Consultant | Ferrilli

Ferrili's Slate
CRM Services

Let’s explore Ferrilli’s comprehensive Slate support services, designed to help you maximize your CRM investment.

White Glove Marketing Implementation

Whether you’re in the process of integrating Slate’s services or you’ve just heard of this powerful software solution, Ferrilli will be there to guide you through the hard stuff for as long as you need us. We’re a start-to-finish support system designed to help you evolve and implement improvements for your campus. Our team of Slate consultants carries broad technical expertise with the flexibility to help you process back-end design one day and third-party integrations the next.

Anything involved with software communication and Slate best practices is our specialty. We evaluate every step of our custom and comprehensive approach with a fine-tooth comb, ensuring every group you interact with through Slate gets the information they need. Together, Ferrilli and Slate can improve your relations with:

  • Admissions staff: Inquiries, applications, reviews, decisions — the roles of the admissions staff keep your community growing. Slate’s platform gives you the ideal place to create new events, manage marketing efforts and guide potential students with a clear path through application and enrollment.
  • Student services: Students’ ability to connect with their advisors and other faculty in their departments drives student success. If there’s not a clear place to foster that development, your students may not do it at all, which can bring lower engagement and retention rates. We’ll help you design your Slate profiles to track student interactions and create early alerts for students who may need support.
  • Alumni and donors: Our experience in advancement projects can gain you more funds than ever with Slate’s fundraising processes. Coordinate events, track payments and create gifting profiles for your most important donors to improve engagement and bring in new funding possibilities.

SIS Integration

Your student information system (SIS) is one of the most crucial systems in your administration. Because of that, you need every other system you work with to integrate and communicate clearly with it. At Ferrilli, we pride ourselves on being a software-agnostic company, meaning we know how to make systems work together for your unique goals. Our experienced consultants can help clients integrate Slate with:

  • Anthology
  • Banner
  • Colleague
  • PeopleSoft
  • Workday

We can also integrate with a multitude of secondary systems to mesh data across all your campus processes into Slate; be they custom applications, communication platforms, testing software, your LMS and more. Ferrilli’s integration services will have your systems living in harmony.

Data Reporting

Data driven decisions are critical to business today.  What’s your struggle?  Ferrilli can help you get the reporting data you need out of Slate whether it’s reports, dashboards or queries. Already have a report suite you love? We can help you connect directly to Slate and build reports of your dreams using tools you’re already familiar with.


Help Desk Service

Our team can support your day-to-day Slate needs and questions. We provide quick turnaround times on a wide variety of issues. We can provide guidance and recommend best practices while you design solutions and plan for future implementations.

Slate Managed Service

We provide hands-on support for any of your Slate needs, including:

  • Cycle Prep
  • New functionality implementation
  • Query Assistance
  • Rule Writing
  • Communications
  • Portal Updates
  • Dashboards
  • Support for annual changes to source formats such as test scores and common app
  • Includes help-desk features described above

Personalized Portal Design

Slate’s portal builder allows for a wide variety of creative solutions and ways of engaging differing constituents. Ferrilli can help you design and build portals using the tools Slate provides along with our web experience to help bring your portal ideas to life.

Is your application status portal looking a little basic? Do you wish students had a single place to see all your varying visit options? Do you want to provide a system for your alumni to engage with students? Ferrilli’s web and system experience will provide you with portal solutions that help take your CRM system to the next level.


Optimize Your Slate Instance Now

Make connections, develop new organizational systems and grow your institution when you choose Ferrilli’s Slate services.

If you’re ready to optimize your operations through Technolutions Slate Support, contact us online or at 888-864-3282. We’ll start working on your personalized Slate plan right away.

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