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The Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator: Ferrilli’s Tool for Increasing Graduation Rates for Colleague and Banner/DegreeWorks Institutions

The Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator: Ferrilli’s Tool for Increasing Graduation Rates for Colleague and Banner/DegreeWorks Institutions

Learn all about the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator by Ferrilli.

At Ferrilli we provide top-notch, strategic IT services to promote a magical student experience and enhance student success. By asking the right questions, we delve deeply into the needs of your institution, finding expert answers from a team of experienced consultants. We are constantly on the cutting edge of new technologies, software, and IT assistance that can help advance your college or university to even greater levels of success, with services driven by our Ellucian™ Banner, Ellucian™ Colleague, and Ellucian™ DegreeWorks expertise.
One of our most recent and noteworthy customized solutions is called the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator. This solution was developed for Colleague by the Ferrilli team in partnership with several of our clients. Note: While Ferrilli’s Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator has been developed for Ellucian’s Colleague and Banner, we are confident it can be implemented on nearly any system. This system works. Students who have completed credentials are identified quickly and accurately (based on your Colleague degree audit configuration or your Banner/DegreeWorks configuration). You can award the credential or you can simply inform the student about their accomplishment. Great results from our clients… An institution in California saw favorable results by employing the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator. After experimenting with this custom process at one of their three campuses, the Californian college was able to award 500 more degrees to their students than they had the year before.   Another college saw a 70% increase in certificates awarded to their students within the first year of utilizing the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator. With this custom solution a student can receive a credential that they did not know that they had earned, which ultimately increases their perception of value. Suppose, for instance, that an average student has spent $40,000 on tuition. When the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator tool is applied to their coursework, they can discover that their education is worth more than one degree alone: in many cases, the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator has been capable of providing students with more than one degree and additional certifications and credentials. Ultimately, this greatly improves the value of a student’s college education.    Not only is this a highly important attribute from a student’s perspective, but colleges can gain a competitive advantage by using the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator. Agencies and students alike base the success of a college’s offerings on their completion rates. Students and their families evaluate one school’s program against another with exceptional ease and as an important part of their decision-making. Improved rates, by simply mining existing data, can help colleges use these metrics to stand out against their competitors, potentially putting them the first in line for a targeted program.   College completion rates are becoming increasingly critical in certain parts of the country where performance-based funding has been introduced, with Texas and California being two prime examples. The performance-based funding models are based on a methodology that heavily weighs college success and completion rates. According to an article posted on the National Public Radio’s website, “Surprisingly, the use of completion rates as a measure of success in higher education is a fairly recent development.” With the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator, measuring and reaching higher completion rates is an obtainable goal. If your school is searching for a way to bring these important benefits to your students, the Automated Degree and Certificate Evaluator solution offers a range of benefits that are truly valuable. The student experience is emphasized to the highest degree, placing their accomplishments front and center. To implement this incredible customized solution at your institution, give us a call at (888) 864-3282. We feel a moral responsibility to assist institutions in improving the overall student experience, and we look forward to assisting you throughout each step of the process.   Breaking News! This solution developed for Colleague is now available for schools who have Banner and DegreeWorks. Contact us for more information and get all of the benefits for your students and your institution quickly and efficiently. Sources: https://www.npr.org/2019/03/13/681621047/college-completion-rates-are-up-but-the-numbers-will-still-surprise-you